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Our Work

Below are examples of three of our recent voluntary and community evaluation and engagement contracts with links to the published project reports.


Herefordshire Citizen Climate Assembly

January 2022

As part of Herefordshire Council's pledge to achieve a Net Zero and Carbon Rich county by 2030 they commissioned Impact to deliver a Citizen's Climate Assembly.  The Assembly brought together 41 residents from across the county to learn about the challenges of climate change and to explore what actions the county could take to help it achieve it's ambition. Over the course of two weekends Assembly members developed a set of recommendations for the Council and its partners, which they presented to the Cabinet.

Citizen's Assembly Report

Action on Hearing Loss - Hear to Inform and Connect Project Evaluation

March 2021

Impact were commissioned to undertake the evaluation of a 3 year funded Big Lottery UK wide project aimed at improving information provision for people experiencing hearing loss. The evaluation which included both quantitative and qualitative research,  included the design and implementation of an evaluation framework that was adopted as a template for the organisation.

Shropshire Wildlife Trust - Feed the Birds Project Evaluation

September 2021

This was a formative evaluation of the Feed the Birds project which addressed loneliness through connecting volunteers and socially isolated people through a shared interest in wildlife.

Projects : Projects

07984 609025 / 07855 492066

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